Doom (PS4) key

Doom (PS4) key

Dark places on the planet, demonic monsters everywhere, brutal weapons and blood are the main elements of the game Doom. The story takes us to Mars to...

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About Doom (PS4) key

Dark places on the planet, demonic monsters everywhere, brutal weapons and blood are the main elements of the game Doom. The story takes us to Mars to the laboratories of the UAC research facility, which is invaded by an army of demons which were helped by the corporation to get into our reality. You will help inside and around UAC to save our world. The units of evil will be mainly the half-mechanical demons with various characteristics and each of them will bring a different style of fighting. The classic units like Hellknight, Cyberdemon, revenant, or mancubii will return. The game will brings plasma guns, rocket launchers, classic shotgun or chainsaw. The game will have no health regeneration, sprinting or double jump will be available and you will be able to carry as many weapons as you wish.



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